Coaching: Move From Intention to Action

A dear friend once said, “If you don’t want the truth, don’t ask Kacy.”

The truth...To achieve the truest and most beautiful version of our lives we need to do the work.

Don’t worry, that’s where I come in!

As your coach, I combine techniques derived from both my Master’s in Organizational Psychology and certification as an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach to help you achieve personal and professional goals. I help individuals and teams to improve their well-being, navigate career and life transitions (including menopause), enhance leadership skills, and increase compassion.

Ready to get started? There are 2 ways to work with me.

Individuals: During our time together we will focus on growth and development. We explore your passions, expose your purpose, and will use guided action planning to turn life and career goals into reality.

Groups: Coaching circles can be incredibly powerful tools for knowledge transfer, skill building, team bonding, and goal sharing. If you are looking to strengthen connection and accountability on your teams, group coaching with me will expedite the process.