Workplace Well-Being Strategist & Women’s Health Advocate

Preparing Global Organizations for Sustainable Growth

Partner with a trusted expert to build and execute comprehensive programs that turbocharge engagement and performance.

From keynote speaking to developing and implementing strategies around the critical importance of employee well-being and women's health in driving organizational success, I ensure enduring business growth and market leadership in talent retention, and attraction.

Transform Your Leadership with AI-Enabled Compassion

Ready to Improve Team Performance and Well-Being?

Get your free guide to reclaiming 54% of your administrative time for what really matters - meaningful human connection. Learn the three critical shifts that top leaders are making to:

  • Boost team engagement by 76% through empathetic leadership

  • Increase innovation rates by 3.2x with AI-supported workflows

  • Create sustainable high performance through life-work alignment

Workplace Well-being and Employee Engagement are Not Solo Sports. Leadership Matters.

Compassionate Leadership Unlocks Performance.

Employee well-being is not something we can throw an app at, and engagement is about more than individual mindset and self-efficacy. To truly embed employee well-being throughout an organization, leaders need to be “all in” and ready to role model.

  • “Only 42% of managers say they feel “completely” capable of helping their company achieve its well-being commitments.”—Deloitte Well-being@Work, 2023

  • “Leaders have a GREATER INFLUENCE on employee mental health than therapists or doctors, and an influence equal to spouses and partners.” —UKG, 2023

Through our validated compassionate leadership method, we empower leaders to improve well-being for all team members.

Why Choose Me

  • 20 years internal consulting experience in both commercial and in human resources. Proven track record of delivering results while managing change in complex hierarchies.

  • TEDx speaker with an MA. in Organizational Psychology, as well as extensive expertise working in corporations to improve well-being, ways of working, and women’s health.

  • Well-Being is nuanced globally and by work setting. From knowledge workers to the frontline, my proven tactics will help global employers design & deploy winning well-being strategies.


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